Saturday, March 6, 2010

Nice Day Today

We had a pretty decent day today. Noah only broke one chair and damaged my sewing machine. It's sad when you count good days when only something slightly gets broken, or damaged. LOL.
He broke the wheel off his computer chair so now he has to sit on one of those nice metal chairs that fold up that you use with a card table. He knocked down my sewing machine and bent the bobin maker thingy. This was actually ok because the rest of the machine was already broken.

Our morning was great. Abby let me sleep until 8am and me and her checked out her facebook games. I had to do it for her as she is grounded from her PC for a month due to the paint incident. Noah even woke up pretty cheerful today. They played outside for a bit and then we snuggled on the couch and watched some Project Runway and Kitchen Nightmares.

We tackled the huge mound of laundry that needed to be put away, it was only like well about 10 laundry basket loads of clothes LOL. But we succeeded in getting it all put away. I was very thankful I had put off putting the clothes away as Abby would have none left if I had. We still have two garbage bags of her clothes that are covered in paint that we are going to attempt to get some of the paint off of.

Larry ended up getting off work at a normal hour for once (3:30pm) so we loaded up and went grocery shopping and out to eat. The twins were actually in a good mood for this also. I got me a new suitcase for my Mexico trip. I had to get a big one so I could bring along my pillows. I am weird and must sleep with only my own pillows. Plus I have to drug myself to sleep in order to endure the airplane flight so I usually pack one and carry one on the plane. I love to travel, but I hate to fly. I get so very airsick that the flight is not fun. But I got two different nausea meds for this trip :)

I just want to sit on the beach with a tall cold drink and a big fat book and just veg. Abby is already asking if we can "talk" to her on the computer from Mexico. Guess I am gonna have to install skype on my laptop. They are both excited to get some Daddy time as he is usually gone to work before they wake up and not home until almost bed time for them. So having daddy home for like 5 days in a row is heaven to them. They are thinking that they are gonna watch some movies together and catch up on their EQII time.

I have learned that men do not understand that sometimes girls just need to vent. We don't want you to suggest ways to fix it, or tell us why it happened, we just sometimes want to vent. Larry says he needs to work on this cause he always wants to fix it for me, when I just need to hear I understand or it will get better. He did surprise me though and apologized when he got upset with me when I was trying to explain this to him. I just love him so much and I know he is working way harder than normal to get all the overtime he can so that we can afford my dental work. Today was nice just having him home to do normal things. It was nice talking to another adult LOL.

I am getting geared up for my sister, Beki, to come visit with her brood. I can't wait to see my nieces and nephews and Abby has already claimed the girls are going to sleep in her room. LOL. They only live over in MI so it's about a 5 hour drive to get over to my house. I am so proud of Beki, she is working, going to college and raising a family. She gets her degree in May, and I am very proud of her. Actually I am pretty proud of all my brothers and sisters. They are all great people and I just love them so much. We are all a bit nutty but any of us would help the other if somebody needed it.

I found a new favorite show. It's call the "The Guild" It's a web show. You can find it at: It's about a bunch of gamer nerds, and I relate to this show very much LOL.

Tomorrow, Larry and I, are planning on watching some TV. We will have a "Legend of the Seeker" episode to watch and we are gonna try to play EQII a little bit. So this weekend is shaping up to be a nice and quiet one.

And since tomorrow is Sunday, It's my day to sleep in until whenever I get up. Larry is usually up by about 7-8am, which for him is sleeping in so he lets me sleep in late, or take a midmorning nap if needed. He is so good to me, he even washes the dishes \o/.

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