Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Sleep Apnea

Well, after two more sleep studies it is confirmed that I have Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Basically, when I am sleeping I smother myself by accident when I am all relaxed and sleeping. I then wake up to start breathing again, and then fall back asleep. What a lovely vicious cycle. So after a trial of CPAP last night I have to say that this guy:
is my new best friend. Meet Mr. CPAP facemask. I was hooked up to CPAP all night last night so they could titrate my correct air pressure level for when I begin using CPAP at home. If you are not sure what CPAP is you can find that information here. When the nurse woke me up this morning she asked how I slept and I was very happy to announce that I only woke up once. :) That is amazing for me, usually I am up at least 3-4 times a night. She said she thought I slept well as the computer showed me "dreaming and dreaming" all night long. This is also wonderful as my sleep apnea occurs during my REM cycle of sleep(IE: the time during your sleep that you are dreaming), so I usually don't get enough REM sleep because I keep waking up to start breathing again. \o/

I was terrified of the CPAP but it turns out this thing may just change my life. Is it gonna be fun to drag it to Mexico and on other vacations, of course not, but getting good sleep is very important and I can't wait to get rid of my sleep debt.

The twins are doing well and are both getting over some sort of bad stomach bug they picked up at school. I am getting a cold so hopefully they will spare me from their stomach plague.

My Allergist called me finally with the results of my C/T scan. I have inflammation of my sinus's so they want to run further blood work to find out if I have a really bad sinus infection or if the inflammation is caused by something else.


  1. My mom abhors CPAPs. Apparently they had her use it at the hospital last summer after she came out of intubation or something. She said it was proof that they were trying to kill her.
