Thursday, March 4, 2010

Abby: The Aftermath

Well after 2.5 hours of scrubbing, and several large 33 gal trash bags and one pizza we found her room under all the paint. Sadly, it's going to remain empty for a very long time. The walls did not fair well and will remain white until we repaint. The floor was more forgiving and we are thankful it was latex paint.

She is grounded from the TV and her PC for a month. She is only alive because if we killed her I would miss my trip to Mexico and I really want to go :P

I did find one thing humorous during this whole ordeal. I was sitting on her bed taking in the full mess and I noticed her room resembled those TV where somebody is murdered with all the splashes of blood all over the walls, except in Abby's room it was paint instead of blood. The poor paint was murdered.

She had to go to school yesterday with paint in her hair, and she realized that was not fun because everybody kept asking her about it.

On to today. Today started as normal. Abby crawling her way downstairs to spend 10 minutes laying on the heater vent hogging all the heat. Noah grumbled his way down to the couch and as normal the chaos of the morning began.

Both actually took their morning meds with little trouble, but getting dressed is always a major source of drama for Noah. Getting dressed in our house is no fun. The twins meds take about 45 minutes to really start working so we start the day with two kids with no meds who are cranky. Abby does better than Noah.

Noah spent 25 minutes arguing with me about getting his own clothes, cause you know the 10 foot walk down the stairs to the laundry room is at least 10 miles long and uphill both ways. So after much arguing he finally got off his butt and got clothes.

Next comes the sock battle. It took another 15 minutes or so of screaming, yelling, throwing things before he actually went downstairs to find socks. Ugh. By this time I am ready to run away from home.

So he is finally dressed, he then proceeds to make sure Abby knows she is not allowed to talk, sing, hum, or breathe near him, all the while I am saying "Don't mother each other" over and over and over. I should just record that so I don't have to say it so much :P.

Finally the blessed time of 7:20 comes and I put his butt on the bus, and breathe a sigh of relief. I love him to bits, but we need time apart from each other.

Me and Abby then get a few moments of peace and then it's time to drop her off at school. So we jump in the Van and drive the 7 minute round trip to school. She of courses asks if the school kids are walking and I of course say I have no idea I can't yet see the school. (Every morning before the bell rings the kids have to walk the track until the bell rings) I think it's akin to torture to make kids who haven't yet had breakfast walk the track, It reminds me too much of jail.

So now I am home in the peace and quiet working. Well sort of quiet. The dogs like to bark at every little noise. Our recent foster, a very scared little Choc. boy has learned he can bark. So he barks at everything. He barks at my IPod, He barks at the wind, He barks at me typing on my keyboard. So I spent a good part of my morning saying "Chewie, no bark, Chewie, It's ok" LOL. If it is not the kids, its the dogs.

Dogs are like having a pack of 2 year olds who can't speak around all the time. So I spend alot of time redirecting, "No Vinny, no eating the recycling, No' Vinny, don't open the garbage can (He figured out how to open the Vinny Proof trash cans, in about two days)

But I love the kids and the dogs, and only threaten to sell them to the gypsies once or twice a day.

I get to have a repeat Sleep study done March 21st and a daytime sleep test, oh joy. Hopefully they can figure out why I am tired all the time, even though I sleep for more than 10 hours a night.

I also get to go the allergist next week and find out why my allergies are acting up so badly. I just want to be able to smell again. My nose has been stuffed up for weeks now.

Will update after the Twins get home and I will see what fun things they did at school today. I know abby has picture day today. I will have to dig out last years picture to show everybody, it's a hoot.

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